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Meet the Authors:


Denise I. O'Neal is a Chicago journalist, author, editor and publisher and freelancewriter her frist published book For the Love of Beanie Babies, is a guidebook on collecting Beanie Babies. Her first fiction novel was the contemporary suspense thriller On the Line.


Shannen Rose is a newcomer to the book world working on her first Historical Romance novel: Texas Tears. Rose has mapped out a series of titles focusing on women in the American west.


Diane L. LaFonte is a librarian and paraprofessional who discovered she had a passion for the written word. Deciding to take a dip in the writing pool, LaFonte writes a monthly column for Panache's Book Bag newsletter.


Jeremy F. Poupa, gamer extraordinaire, brings must-read updates and reviews on the latest video games, platforms and industry news of the gaming world.




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