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The Kiss

       You’re driving me out of my mind, Cole thought, leaning against the doorjamb separating their rooms. He knew he shouldn’t have opened the door, not after what he had already witnessed. He couldn’t stop himself, his longing to sneak another peek at the charming Samantha McCord stronger than any will he possessed that would deny him the pleasure.

     He wanted to kiss her. Cole knew it would be a dereliction of his job as a lawman to steal a kiss while she slept, however, his desire to taste the sweetness of her lips was overwhelming. Stealthily making his way to where she slept, he knelt beside her bed, his intent—to sample one kiss. What harm could it do?

     Cole’s lips, as soft as a butterfly’s wings fluttering on a flower, grazed Sam’s. Enamored by his ardent act he continued, enjoying the plump softness of her lips beneath his. To his delight Samantha opened her mouth slightly, the sensual act his undoing. Taking advantage of the stolen moment Cole slipped his tongue between her parted lips. He knew it was a lowdown vile act, a breach of his oath as a lawman, and yet, one he would risk again no matter what the consequences.

     Her glorious ginger-colored hair smelled of lavender, reminding him of her blue-grey eyes he longed to see filled with passion.

     Sam felt something soft on her mouth and, in her slumbering state thinking it a dream, responded. Her action arousing him further, his tongue dancing between her parted lips, before plunging deeper into her mouth it’s wet sweetness tantalizing. He wondered if she really slept, thinking it didn’t matter. One kiss would never be enough, not when they were as soft and as sweet as cotton candy melting into his own.

     He wanted more. However, honor, what little was left, stopped him but only to pause before recklessly stealing one last kiss, before—like a phantom in the night—disappearing.


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